Bill Cowan's Homelier Pages


The pages linked from here are for my ancestors and descendants. If you are neither an ancestor nor a descendant of mine, you do not belong. Please do not remain here. There are more interesting places for you on the internet than here. Kindly be gone!

I wish neither this page nor the ones linked from it to appear in any compilation or index of the internet. All these pages contain tags requesting internet crawlers to avoid them, but respecting the tags is voluntary. I can password protect them so that access is only possible for those who register a password with me, but would prefer not to do so.

As a more civilized alternative I request that you not put links to these pages into any publicly accessible web page of your own. This request does not apply to book-marking.

Each ancestor or descendant has an individual page with the same set of sections:

Let me say a few things about sources of information.

The first page, to which all others are directly or indirectly linked, is mine.